Redeeming Grace Church is a Christ-centered community proclaiming a sovereign and gracious God. We aim to make disciples of Jesus in the West Valley of Greater Phoenix.

Redeemed by Grace

We pray that our name, Redeeming Grace Church, summarizes the heartbeat of our church. God’s grace in Christ rescued us from our sins, reconciling us to God and to his people.

“Redemption means to secure the release or recovery of persons or things by the payment of a price. It is a covenantal legal term closely associated with ransom, atonement, substitution, and deliverance, thus salvation. Theologically, redemption refers ultimately to the saving work of Christ, who came to accomplish our redemption by giving his life in substitution for our own as the ransom price.” —Ligon Duncan, Redemption

The gospel of Jesus’ sinless life, substitutionary death on the cross, and bodily resurrection from the grave is not only good news for those without Christ but for Christ’s church also! The gospel grounds our hope, assures us of God’s love, fuels our love for one another, and motivates lives of holiness and service.

In many ways, the church is the gospel made visible!

Serving the West Valley

At Redeeming Grace Church, our desire is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and make disciples in Goodyear, Litchfield Park, and throughout the West Valley. We understand the need for healthy churches in this part of Phoenix, and we pray that the Lord uses our church to advance the gospel in a needy area.

If you would like to learn more about Redeeming Grace Church, you are invited to visit us in Litchfield Park this Sunday at 9:00 am. Or, feel free to fill out a Connection Card, and someone will follow up to help you!